New Covenant Surrender

Surrender is the first step into the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Surrender is also a life long process in the journey of a disciple. Every time my opinion criss-cross with the opinion of God, I repent and I surrender my opinion to God’s opinion. This is a joyful practice for a disciple because his only intention is to be transformed into the image of Christ . Many times the act of surrender is misconstrued in the religious minds and it becomes a lifeless ritual that leaves a person feeling worthless before God. This is not new covenant surrender.

God created man in His image and crowned him with glory and honour. In surrender we don’t loose our honour but we gain the right perspective of our honour. Surrender is not to make you inferior to God but to become one with God . This union is the key to overcoming every issues of our lives . In this series Andrew takes you through the crux of what that surrender looks like in real life. This series will liberate you and set you free to experience the manifold Grace of God!

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