Dr Andrew David

Andrew was born and brought up in India. Though he was born to Christian parents, he did not know the Lord Jesus as his personal saviour. At the age of 17, he felt the heavy burden of sin and sincerely sought a way out and at that juncture he heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and gave his heart to the Lord.

After graduating as a medical doctor in India, he moved to the UK for further training. He successfully completed his training and became a consultant in the field of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine. Though, he enjoyed working as a Consultant, he realised he had the call of God upon his life. He prayed and pondered over this thought for several years until one fine day where he was convinced that God was calling him to leave his medical career. He willingly obeyed God, resigned his job and spent few years in prayer and reading the word of God. After spending few years in quietness, prayer and seeking, Andrew, realised that the Lord is releasing him to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to His people.

Andrew battled with a health condition for several years and during those times he questioned his faith and the miracle working power of God. Andrew knew that God had the power to heal and kept seeking the Lord sincerely. It was during this difficult journey of battling with ill health that Andrew had an awakening that the Lord was leading him in a different direction concerning his healing. Though Andrew’s priority was to get his body healed, he felt that Lord was leading him to another healing - the healing of his heart! At this point, Andrew realised that the gospel of Jesus Christ first and foremost brings healing to the broken heart. Until that point, Andrew was not aware of his inner issues with a broken heart. The Lord graciously began to heal the deep pain and maladies of his heart. Miraculously as the heart was getting healed, Andrew realised that his body was getting healed too. Andrew’s mission to the body of Christ, the church, and the world was born out of this experience. Today, Andrew combines his medical knowledge and his personal experience to motivate and help others to overcome their own struggles!

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