
There is power in taking part in communion. The Lord instituted this before His death and there is a reason for this. For many this is a mere ritual and they do not experience the power of the cross. When you truly understand why we take communion and what it does to the heart, your attitude will change and begin to experience the power of the cross in a deeper way. In this three part series, Andrew takes you through the message the Apostle Paul gave to the Corinthians about the Lords table.

Many are ignorant and fearful when it comes to communion and sincerely believe that God will strike them with sickness and disease if taken unworthily. This is because of ignorance of what Jesus did on the cross.  Understanding the cross is the key for true deliverance in every area of our lives and communion is an act which writes this reality in our heart. We died with Him which means we died to all the realities of the fallen man, we were buried with Him and therefore we are no longer under the law of the sin & death and we were raised together with Him and therefore we are in the Kingdom of God. In communion ,we bring this reality alive in our hearts. Communion is a form of meditation in which we rehearse our death in His death and our resurrection in His resurrection. More on this is discussed in this series. Watch it , meditate on the truth, be free from oppression and share it with others. Be blessed!

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